So After working a double shift yesterday, I'm now half voiceless and My Throat is on fire. I've never worked so hard in my life. I ran around for hours. I ate once and that was a plate of curly fries. I hate being sick =) Really its a very painful experience haha but I made lots of money =D Like a bowse.
Anyways so yesterday was the 4th month of my dad's death. And I'm so glad i worked so I didn't need to think about it and now that I'm off work and not doing much its kinda getting to me. Yesterday, without realizing what day it was. I was extremely grumpy and literally blew up at everyone. But thats not the point. Today we found out that my dad has had a trophy named after him and there have been many golf days done after him and then there will be a bush walk for him. Many of his friends have made many little things for him. There are countless things. Many people dont have this and I must say I'm pretty damn proud of what my dad has done over the years and how many people he had touched and helped and stayed in contact with. He made a huge effort with his friends and girlfriends and sometimes his daughters but he did live his life to the full.
In a few couple of days, its going to be his birthday. Sorry guys, I will be at school and you will see my crappy side come out. I'm not looking forward to it at all and seeing as though last year we did something big, this years is going to be a very small quiet one for a change.
OMG feels like my throat is about to give way and collapse but anyways
I'm enjoying these holidays, Ive made dough, I've made friends and I've also had quite a relaxing time.
Haven't seen much of my friends.. I havent even spoken to them really.. Dont know why just yeah =)
I was thinking lately that life is a pretty weird thing, I met a regular last night and he works with dead people. Not like actual physical dead people but he can show you if the person you love is still around. He got a person who lost his mom. He made him think of all the good things in life but he couldnt think about his mom. He then blew into a straw and placed it on a flat surface. When he put his hand by the straw, the straw never moved. But when he had to think of all the good things about his mom and blow in the straw.. The straw spun around and around when he put his hand nearly it. This took no preparation at all, the guy had heard about his work, came up and asked him. He sat down and started while he was sitting at our bar so there was no trick to it.
You get some incredibly talented people.
I think Thats pretty sick =)
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